

Why are you here? What do you miss more from your country? What would be the first thing you do if you could return to your country? What does mean 'home' for you? What does mean not being in your homeland?

These were the questions that led my search for symbols that could materialize in images and words the feelings that permeate the collective imaginary of home in its broad conception.

HOME IS WHERE I AM combines woodcut, letterpress handsetting, poetry and documental audio which resulted in my first big artist's book (published by the german publishing house Edition Schwarze Seite), an extra series of twelve woodcuts and a twenty minutes audio record obtained from the interviews conducted with refugees from Syria, Nigeria, Macedonia and Pakistan.

Held at the beginning of 2014, the project is the culmination of the three months as resident artist in the graphic arts studio and printshop at the Ateliers im Alten Schlachthof in the German city of Sigmaringen.


Abstract meanings of 'street' carved on the wood. Roads as branches connecting the urban life. A legend to be ‘mistold’ through noises and voices.

Idealized and partly made in Nicaragua on the beginning of 2015, PALABRARIO CALLEJERO consists of a 5 woodcut series printed in interlining cloth in big format (2mx1m) and, as final part of the project, also an installation which will tell a contemporary 'shapeless' version of the ancient nicaraguan legend 'La Carreta Nagua'. The whole project will be presented for first time on November 2015 in Wuppertal - Germany.


Experiences and challenges arising from the decision of living in different countries. Introduction to graphic arts.

This is my first artist's book, which was produced on January 2013, during my first participation when at the TallerContil in Matagalpa - Nicaragua.


Germany and Nicaragua drawing art together.

Based on personal contacts and the Wuppertal-Matagalpa city sisterhood, the project group TALLERCONTIL started in 1998 with woodcut printing under the poorest circumstances. Now, the project owns an etching press and a Hollander beater, both built in Matagalpa. The studio has advanced to producing etchings, single-sheet book art, unique books, a mould-made paper production and also prepares annually a calendar with twelve original prints.

Participants and group members are not professional visual artists, but interested and talented people from other, and sometimes with several professions.

Nowadays, the project is coordinated by the german artist Eckhard Froeschlin.

This place is dedicated to show the works made by me that were selected (or not) for the calendar and other random projects produced inside the group.